PBC has a number of committees that carry out the work of the Club. We encourage members to get involved with PBC by volunteering to join a committee of interest.
Standing committees are listed below, along with a brief description. For more information or to volunteer to serve on a committee, use the Contact Us form.
The Bird Count Committee coordinates activities for the annual Christmas Bird Count (December) and the Spring Bird Count (May). The committee recruits counting team members, assigns territories, tabulates the results and reports the data to the national Count coordinator.
The Conservation Committee keeps the Club informed on conservation issues and cooperates with local, state and national organizations for the increase and betterment of our bird populations. This committee also coordinates the Club’s annual Adopt-a-Park activities.
The Education Committee plans and implements public programs and educational projects to enhance knowledge of birds and to promote birding as a rewarding pursuit.
The Field Trip Committee arranges and coordinates the Club’s yearly schedule of field trips. The committee also organizes “impromptu” field trips as opportunities arise during the year.
The Finance Committee oversees the Club’s fiscal procedures and activities, to ensure appropriate use of the Club’s funds.
The History and Archives Committee collects and maintains an archive of Club materials, including official Club records, Bird Count data, Club publications, historical materials, and other memorabilia.
The Membership Committee coordinates membership-related activities, including soliciting new members, providing information to potential members, and processing membership applications.
The Nominating Committee recruits a slate of nominees to stand for election to the Club’s elected offices for the next year.
The Program Committee arranges and coordinates the Club’s yearly schedule of programs for the regular monthly meetings. The committee identifies expert speakers on topics of interest to Club members, and recruits Club members to give brief presentations on area birds.
The Publicity Committee coordinates media contacts to promote all regular meetings, field trips, special events and other activities of the Club.
The Social Committee coordinates arrangements for the Club’s schedule of social activities, including the annual Fall and Spring Picnics and the Holiday Dinner.
The Telephone Committee notifies members of important information, as needed to supplement the Club’s other means of communicating with the membership.
The Yearbook Committee prepares the Club’s annual yearbook to be distributed at the September picnic meeting.
The Website Committee is responsible for managing the design and content of the PBC website, developing the protocol for posting information to the website, encouraging contributions to the website content by PBC members and maintaining the associated calendar.